LOTTE Wellfood CEO Message
CEO Message
From a Leader in the Domestic Confectionery Industry
to a Global Food Company
to a Global Food Company

LOTTE WELLFOOD is transforming into a Global Food Company in 2023, after a 2022 merger between LOTTE Confectionery,
the #1 confectionery company in Korea, and LOTTE Foods, a leading food company in Korea. The new name of the company, LOTTE
WELLFOOD, represents our aim to provide our consumers with ‘Happier Life’ and ‘Better Food’ Our vision is to become a “Future respecting company providing the world’s consumers with delicious, fresh, and nutritious products
to enhance people’s lives with happiness, health, and wellness.” Under this vision, we aim to create value beyond just foods by providing products with the highest standards in quality and nutrition
to contribute to your healthier and happier life. Furthermore, we will continue to actively engage in ESG management, such as care for the environment, co-prosperity, and
strengthened compliance, to become a company that grows together with all of our stakeholders in the communities we serve.
We thank you for your continued support of LOTTE WELLFOOD!
Thank you.
the #1 confectionery company in Korea, and LOTTE Foods, a leading food company in Korea. The new name of the company, LOTTE
WELLFOOD, represents our aim to provide our consumers with ‘Happier Life’ and ‘Better Food’ Our vision is to become a “Future respecting company providing the world’s consumers with delicious, fresh, and nutritious products
to enhance people’s lives with happiness, health, and wellness.” Under this vision, we aim to create value beyond just foods by providing products with the highest standards in quality and nutrition
to contribute to your healthier and happier life. Furthermore, we will continue to actively engage in ESG management, such as care for the environment, co-prosperity, and
strengthened compliance, to become a company that grows together with all of our stakeholders in the communities we serve.
We thank you for your continued support of LOTTE WELLFOOD!
Thank you.
“A Global Food Company enhancing
people's lives with Happiness, Health, and Wellness.
Thank you for your steadfast love
and support for LOTTE WELLFOOD.”
people's lives with Happiness, Health, and Wellness.
Thank you for your steadfast love
and support for LOTTE WELLFOOD.”